What Could Seminars or Day Retreats Look Like?
Seminars or Retreats, in the form of education or ongoing professional development, are close to my heart. Unless we open ourselves up to new insights and ways of looking at the world, we will be stuck coming up with the same solutions. One of the things I bring to the table is an integrated approach to the perennial problems of the workplace and the world around us.
Topics we can cover include:
- The Gospel as Apokatastasis
- Spiral Dynamics and Spiritual Formation
- Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
- Thomas Merton’s Teaching on the True Self and False Self
- The Enneagram and Christian Transformation
- The Scapegoat Mechanism of Rene Girard
- Understanding the Dark Night of the Soul
- Systems Theory and Church Dynamics
- Or, we can develop something together that could perfectly match your needs
Cost: $500 for a seminar or day retreat, $1500 for a full weekend retreat.